Contact Us


Kindly send your contribution by means of M.O., DD/Cheque (if Indian Ruppee), drawn in favour of

Centenary Education fund of the Archdiocese of Kottayam

Secretary CEFAK,

Catholic Metropolitan’s House,

P.B. N.O. 71, Kottayam 686001,

Kerala, India.



Those who wish to transfer the sum directly to the bank account may note the bank details. Kindly give the details about the transfer with your address for acknowledgement and documentation-

South Indian Bank,

Branch Kottayam,,

Kottayam, 686001

Kerala, India.

Account Name: Centenary Education Fund of the Archdiocese of Kottayam,

Account No. 0037053000015801, IFSC: SIBL0000037




If foreign cheque  you may draw the cheque in favour of

Archediocese of Kottayam (since CEFAK doesn’t have FCRA account), and send it in the above address and we will transfer the amount to CEFAK account.